Sunday, February 20, 2011

One Pot Chicken and Brown Rice

This healthy chicken and rice recipe is on my regular rotation, even though the brown rice takes quite awhile to cook. I've made a couple minor adjustments to the original recipe- but overall I follow it pretty faithfully. The only major change I've made is using a bone-in skin-on chicken breast instead of chicken thighs. I cook the breast with the rice and veggies, and then toward the end I pull out the chicken and shred it to mix back in.  This recipe is also great for using up some vegetables that are getting a little old, since they simmer in the pot until they're nice and tender. The onions just dissolve into pure yummy flavor. 

Once the wait for the rice to cook is over, I'm left with a healthy and tasty one dish meal. Because it cooks on the stove top, it's okay for any time of year, but I find it especially comforting on a cold winter night.

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